

Condition – Refurbished

Brand – Maxer

It is a color micro camera with deported electronic, designed for endoscopies. Its ultra-light sensor, its auto-shutter, its performances in terms of sensitivity, resolution as well as its fidelity in the respect of colors make of it the ideal medical tool.


MAINS PLUG  The electric power supply of the camera is done through a plug, which must be linked to the local supply circuit thanks to the electric cable delivered with the system. This plug includes a mains filter, a fuses-trap and the general power switch. The two fuses used are of type T800mA - 250V. During a changing of fuses, it is peremptory to disconnect the camera from the mains and to use fuses of the same kind. The T of “T800mA” means, “temporised”

VIDEO OUTPUTS 2 independent video outputs are available on this camera. A composite and A Y/C. One of these 2 outputs must be linked to the video input of your monitor .